I will gratefully return this domain to you, or rather your first born, as a gift when they enter this world. Do not run from the past, embrace it.

Never forget the past, learn from it. I refuse to let Vanessa Wood die off, and I'm fully entrusting you to teach your kids the way of the 100 baby challenge. By the time you read this, it could be years after I've claimed the account, but know, I will never let your mistakes die out. I hope you've learned from your past, and that you can teach from it as well. These were rough years in your life, and I'm thankful that you had some friends to help push you through it, although some of those friendships didn't last, I'm thankful for them, because they made you into the person you are today. I don't have much from your blog, other than one last remaining screenshot. I'm terribly sorry I made fun of you so long ago for doing it, but I hope you now see I always meant well. And just as a reminder of what our lives use to be, I attached the video "Love for my brother: I haz none". While I do not miss those days, I am grateful for them. Thank you for helping develop my sense of humor into what it is today, without it, I'd have a terribly hard time coping with life. May we never forget the days we would wake up at 8 just to wait until 10 so we could play Virtual Magic Kingdom, which was then replaced by Virtual Family kingdom (and it was infinitely worse), but those days turned into our poptropica races, where we would see who could figure out how to beat a new island first, and the days of doing the missions on club penguin, or begging Dad for a new Webkinz, but let's not forget the times after the sims era, like mario nights, and that one summer when we really got into going to the gym (2015?) and the shared fear of your first car, Forest. We bonded over all of these things, and even though I was constantly sitting outside your door while crying because you would always be talking to "Morgan", I understand why you did what you did. It gave you a escape from everything we had going on. I forgive ya, but just know I won't ever let you live it down. You will never be able to forget Vanessa Wood.

                                                      -With much love, your brother, Thomas.
